My kids are not teens yet. But like any young parent, I like to think that at least in heart, I am still very much a teen. I love to have fun when my kids allow it and I love to stretch my comfort zone in fun, legal ways. So when I had the chance to review this Truth or Dare Scavenger Hunt for teens by Print to Play, I was very excited to give it a try.
Here is where you see how un-teen like I am. I have very few friends in the real world and those friends mostly have children of their own. BUT, I do have a great many very fun friends online. And though they have kids and families, they were more than willing to play a national scavenger hunt with me.
It was exciting to wait and see who did what. In the end, one person ended up petting a rat AND kissing snake. I think this game would be a blast at a teen party, and it is a great alternative to other things I can think of that teens would find fun.
The set includes:
5 Sets of scavenger Hunt Lists
Teen Scavenger Hunt Invitations
Team Badges
Car Tags
Water Bottle Labels
And these are the rules you are supposed to play by:
1. Download and print out all printable kit.
2. Decide how many contestants and teams you are going to have. Suggested team size is four people.
3. Place each individual location challenge in its own envelope. Seal it and mark on the outside of each envelope whose team it belongs to and what location it contains. Each team should have nine envelopes.
4. Have everyone meet at home base before the hunt begins. This is usually the host home.
5. When players arrive give them each a team badge and a water bottle. Have them vote for team captain. Give the team captain the team car tag and the nine sealed team destination envelopes.
6. Assign a driver to each team.
7. Explain the rules:
- Each team can visit the destinations in whatever order they wish. They can only open one destination envelope at a time. Once they open the envelope they must complete that destination before moving on to their next challenge.
- Teams must complete at least one truth and one dare before moving on to the next destination. Each dare completed is worth ten points and each truth is worth five points . If all challenges are completed on a card it is worth an extra 20 points.
- In order for a challenge to be considered completed the team must have eveidence. The evidence needed is list on the card. It can be photo, video, actual item, or answer to specific question.
- The team must return back to home base before by finish time. For every minute they are late returning 5 points will be deducted from their score.
- Some dares require the help of a stranger. This is someone the team does not know. The same “stranger” cannot be enlisted for help on more than one challenge.
- Judges will add up the points at the end of the race. They make the call on if the evidence is sufficient enough to get the points. They announce the winner. No arguments.
9. On your mark, get set, GO!
For use at home with the family, we printed the cards at a quarter their normal size and laminated them so that we can carry them in our pockets or on key rings.
The only things even close to negative that I have to say about this game is that one dare I thought may cause legal trouble for someone. That dare was this: two team mates walk up to a stranger in the store and start petting them as if they were a kitty and talking about how “cute and cuddly they are”. Wonder out loud about “how much you think this one would cost”. While fun in theory, it may cause trouble if you touch the wrong person. However, everything else I loved and I will be keeping these cards around for a long time along with our board games for if we ever want a little fun.
The game set costs $12.99 to download and to print as many times as you please. It would make a great DIY type gift for any teen in your life.
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