Do you know what drives me mad real fast? Bugs for one. If I 'm being attacked by bugs, like black flies or mosquitoes, I get darn right homicidal in the first minute. Being pestered... I don't necessarily notice this one right off. Because usually when I am being pestered, it's because I am not paying attention and don't give an answer quick enough. But usually within the minute, I've noticed. And you don't want me to notice... We have a rule in my house, you never EVER ask the same thing twice in the same minute. And another thing that I don't necessarily notice right away: noise. Sometimes I will be sitting there and then all of a sudden the sheer volume of all the people and toys and electronics around me will hit me like a slap to the face, like 'Where did it all come from!?' And then it needs to go away and go away quick. I can take a lot of noise, but when it gets to that point, my tolerance is gone and I'm done.
A pretty safe rule of thumb is just to use earbuds or headphones when you can, so that everyone else doesn't have to listen to whatever you are doing. Sometimes I wonder if I can use earbuds while watching TV at night, why can't ANY of the kids use theirs while using their tablet or their radio box. I'm on a mission to change the consideration that people in this house give to other people. Starting with earbuds.
The newest earbuds in this set is more to help a person tune out the others in the house rather than to keep their noise down. They are the Doopoo iPhone 6 Earphones with built in mic and skip/volume/answer buttons. It fits and can be used as listening devices on pretty much anything with a 3.5 mm audio jack. Now let me tell you my thoughts on it:
First of all, I hate earbuds. I have small ears and I much prefer headphones because earbuds hurt my ears. They always fall out, are awkward and cause my ears to be red and sore from constantly adjusting them. I pretty much chalked them up to a lost cause for me. So when I tried these on, I was quite pleasantly surprised that they were pretty darn comfortable. They don't move around or come out because they have a disc shaped spot behind the rubber part that is offset and fits perfectly into the outer ear. Notice how those two curved parts hold the disc in so it doesn't fall out or allow the inner rubber part to move around much.
That right there is a HUGE incentive for me to use these. SO right off, I was pretty happy. When I first tried them, Broofy was sleeping and he works early, but I was wide awake. So I finally went in and started watching a show on the TV. But a pretty cool feature of the PS4 is that you can connect headphones into the controller and listen from across the room on your earbuds. So I plugged those babies in and he didn't hear a THING. I even took them out to see if I could hear them and you can't, but when they are in your ears, it's like Holy Surround Sound, Batman! So it has good sound, another plus.
Other features worth mention are of course the fact that it's compatible with not only the Apple iPhone 6, but also the Apple iPhone 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, and 4, iPads, and iPods. We got it to use with the 5c. The microphone piece dangling by the jawline is responsible for turning the volume up and down, skipping to the next song, and also answering a phone call. The earbuds are perfect for taking with you for runs or bike rides or pretty much while doing anything else that's active. And it has multiple sized cushions for the earbuds to fit any size ears.
Another small, but helpful feature is the little clippy thing that connects the two wires between the earbuds and the part where the wire splits off. It's nice if you like your wires to stay put and not get in the way.
My overall thoughts on these earbuds are: I love the feel of them. I've only experienced one pair more comfortable and they were expensive specialty buds that had parts that went over and around your ears. For quick, stick-in type, these are the best I've tried. The sound is great, the lack of sound outside is also great. I love them, period. Kinda jealous now that I promised them away before giving them a try.
Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Why?
To learn more, check out Doopoo TM on Amazon.
Except for the product(s) given to me for the purpose of reviewing, I received no compensation for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.
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