My daughter is afraid of the dark. Deathly afraid. For years she has slept with the light on, or at the very least a blue screen from the TV. It costs a lot of money to keep her light on all night. I've thought of getting a night light, but with my luck, the girls would have it unplugged and lost in minutes. That's where RoomMates comes in. RoomMates is a company that sells Peel and Stick Wall Decor for your home. They have tons to choose from. They have life size Tink to peel and stick mirrors.
RoomMates let me review their Celestial Glow in the Dark Wall Decals. It comes on 4 sheets that are 10"x18". There are over 250 stars and planets! I had enough to make a pretty decent border around The Big One's room. I don't think it's completely taken her fear away. I don't think anything can, but she does like to look at them, and I think that is great start.
I'd love to go back to RoomMates sometime and get one or two of their Giant Wall Decals, like one of their castles perhaps or maybe even a mural. They have awesome murals.
And one of my favorite things about RoomMates... the custom decals. You can take a picture of your child and turn it into a life-sized wall decal! Or anything really, don't have a child, what about your dog or maybe that silhouette photo of you and your significant other. The possibilities are endless! There's lots more that RoomMates has to offer, so why don't you stop on by? I bet you can find some great ideas for Christmas there.
Disclaimer: I received these products to review and was not paid for this review. My review is 100% my honest opinion.